Our Dementia Care
Corner Lodge

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Our Dementia Care

Corner Lodge are specialists in dementia care and recognise a person with dementia is, first and foremost, a person – unique and with a rich history of experiences, abilities, skills, knowledge, preferences, desires and personality. The term “dementia” is used to describe the symptoms that occur when the brain is affected by specific diseases and conditions. Symptoms include loss of memory, confusion, problems with speech and understanding and differ from person to person. 

Personal Centred Approach

Corner Lodge care for residents living with dementia as individuals. By responding to the individual and supporting what they can do with a personalised care plan, we look for opportunities to build on their strengths and abilities to find ways to compensate for losses brought about by dementia. Our approach to dementia care respects the uniqueness of each person rather than focusing on the diagnosis of dementia.

As a good care home we will follow the principles of person-centred care. This approach aims to see the person with dementia as an individual, rather than focusing on their illness or on abilities they may have lost. Person-centred care takes into account each individual's unique qualities, abilities, interests, preferences and needs. Person-centred care also means treating residents with dignity and respect.

We use the customer’s life story to build a picture of their preferences, lifestyle, history, family, likes and dislikes. Our carers are trained in completing detailed care plans with the help of residents, their family and friends. These plans are used daily and help to maintain the identity and dignity of the person as the dementia progresses, providing important information, such as how they like their cup of tea. Life story supports the person in expressing themselves by talking about their lives and experiences. For those providing care and support, it enables them to see the person rather than the symptoms of the illness and to tailor meaningful activities and daily life accordingly.

We also understand that the activities people carry out in their free time are often the things that they most look forward to and enjoy.

We also have close links to our local alzheimers society. Please visit website for further information:https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/